Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Indonesia is pleased to announce the World Fellows Program. The selected Fellows will spend 1-6 months in residence at CSEAS during which time they will work on research project.
The World Fellows Program is intended to benefit mid-tier to senior-tier career professionals looking to improve their research competence. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of a master’s degree and a proven ability to conduct independent and objective social scientific policy research. They must display relevant experience; examples include a strong background in academia, government, the military, non-profit work or the private sector. All applicants must be sponsored by their employing organization. Candidates are welcome from all countries in the World.
Applicants may focus their research on any substantive policy area that CSEAS does work on, including sustainable development, environmental affairs, maritime issues, regional economic integration and other related international affairs and development issues.
While in residence, World Fellows will be provided with office space to conduct their research and writing, computing and telephone access, and administrative support. World fellows will be paired with a CSEAS researcher who will assist them for networking and outreach within CSEAS and in the broader policy communities of Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia.
A complete application package will include:
- One page candidate biography plus photo;
- A curriculum vitae or resume highlighting the candidate’s education, work experience, and other relevant particulars including research languages and areas of functional expertise (not to exceed three pages);
- A two-page description of the proposed topic of inquiry and research plan, including sources of funds for funding research (such as travel costs and data collection costs).
- A statement from the candidate’s proposed sponsoring organization (employer) committing to fund the fellow while in residence at CSEAS.
If you are interested in our programme, please send your CV and related documents to