The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) sub-regional cooperation program was established in 1994 to address the socio economic development of less developed, marginalized and far-flung areas; and narrow the development gaps across and within the sub-region. The vision of BIMP-EAGA is the realization of socially acceptable and sustainable economic development, which leads to the full participation of EAGA in the ASEAN development process. Its immediate goal is to increase trade, investments and tourism in the sub-region by facilitating the free movement of people, goods and services; development of vital infrastructure in the sub-region; and coordination of the management of ecosystems and common resources to ensure sustainable development. The short to medium term goal is to ensure that EAGA becomes a major location in ASEAN for high value-added agro-industry and natural resource-based manufacturing and high-grade tourism, and in the longer term to ensure that non-resource based manufacturing is established in the sub-region.
ASEAN Community 2015 will bring us in the region without limitation, entering the era of all people belong together or people to people contact. As a young generation, youth should be more understand about ASEAN Community. This is very important because the youth is one of the parties who would receive the impact of the openness era. If young generation really understand about the international society through ASEAN Community 2015 that will be very use full for the country and for them self.
Based on the explanation above, people to people contact is really important, especially for youth. One of the way for discussing, sharing directly is the existing forum for youth. Through BIMP EAGA Youth Forum, youth can discuss and sharing about the interaction, progress of BIMP EAGA member states to face ASEAN Community 2015.the program has objectives, such as Understanding the concept of “BIMP-EAGA” as a cooperation between trans border countries Understanding the challenges and opportunities for member countries that exist in the BIMP-EAGA in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and understand the current developmen in sustainable development in BIMP-EAGA region. This program has outcome Youths understand about BIMP EAGA and ASEAN Community 2015. Venue of the event in Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universiti Brunei Darussalam on 29th may- 05th June 2014. The Activities “BIMP-EAGA Youth Forum 2014” are Seminar/Lecture,Forum,Group discussion and Friendship Games.